I received my VESC-6 today and it looks amazing, such a well produced component it's going to be a shame hiding it away!
I can't find any details on the specific connectors used though, could someone please point me to the brand and pitch of the connectors? Apologies if this is somewhere obvious but I can't find reference to them. As the PPM connector is also one of these it might be worth putting the specifications of the connectors in the manual?
Should be JST PH with 2.0mm pitch. The same connector like on the VESC 4.XX.
OK thanks. I'll order some 3 pin JST 2.0 PH's then.
envy !!
FYI, I bought a series from: http://www.ebay.com/itm/10x-JST-PH2-0-2-10P-Single-Connector-plug-with-W...