Having a VESC (6 MkV) on my CargoShuttle for a while now. Now want to do regenerative breaking - but face a problem. I set the breaking to ADC2 - and when pushing this throttle the same time as the current throttle on ADC1 there is no more motor rotation. But there is no breaking effect. Interestingly I see some effect when pushing the bicycle backwards (but I rarely drive backwards and really need no regenerative breaking in this direction) - but also I do not get negative current then - only positive current.
Is there anything I am doing wrong here?
ADC 1 and 2 are calculated as a differential and can cancel each other out. Full throttle and full brake would cancel out the command.
Thanks @frank! But my main problem is that I also do not have any break whatsoever when I just hit ADC2 and not ADC1 - just wanted to mention this behavior in case it helps indicating the problem.
friendly greetings,
Wenn alles nicht klappt kannst können wir uns ja mal in P-Berg treffen. Der Mode wäre Curren no Reverse Brake ADC2. Zu finden hier: App Settings >> ADC >> General Tab
Beide ADCs müssen kalibriert werden, dann sollte es funktionieren. >> App Settings >> ADC >> Mapping Tab
Wichtig: packe einen 10K Widerstand zwischen ADC1 und GND, ganz nahe am VESC 6. Wenn das Kabel mal perforiert, zieht der Widerstand den ADC auf null Gas runter. Ansonsten würde das Bike in diedem Fall Vollgas geben.
Oh dam - somehow missed this last message. The 10k resistor sounds like a good idea - I should do that. I think wrt the regerative breaking I found out the reason in the meantime: the motor I have currently was not a direct drive - it has gears inside that prevent the regenerative breaking.
Recently ordered a MXUS 3K - which should be direct-drive and finally enables regenerative breaking for me (I hope)
friendly greetings,