My friend tried to connect led through DC DC convertor to the FSESC 6.6 board
And after that 1 of the motors stopped working
After opening the board and checking for shorts
He has short on the 3.3v on one side
But if I conect to usb and vesc tool
I can access both mcu local and can one
Can it be a short in the mcu?
Or if I can access it through vesc tool it isn't possible
If the 3.3V rail is alive, it is probably a short inside the STM.
The 3.3 is shorter to ground on one side
So it can be that I can access the atm through vesc tool
See the speed of the wheel and other info
But the atm still be shorted?
I removed the stm
Still there is a short on 3.3 to ground
All marked in red shorted to ground
On the other side the 3.3 that market yellow isn't shorted
The capacitor that marked in white is heating up to very hight temp as soon as the board is powered on(I removed in in the photo
Update n.2
I removed 3 of the ADB8418 that was shorted also
And the 3.3v short on the board is gone now
Checked them outside the board and they are shorted
So my question is can I just replace them
Or they probably killed the irf7749 mosfets too