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Arduino PPM disable regen

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Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2022-01-21 21:07
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Arduino PPM disable regen


I have an arduino that is hooked up to my ESC via PPM input, with the control type set as PID Speed Control / No Reverse. 
When the arduino sends the Min/Center PPM pulse, my motor resists motion and does not spin freely. 

How do I get the motor to spin freely when the arduino does not sends the 'neutral' pulse length?

Last seen: 3 weeks 3 days ago
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How do you power the Arduino? Be careful with GND loops! The Arduino needs to be powered by the VESC itself and should be decoupled from anything else. If you use USB, make sure to drop a USB decoupler into the system. Does the motor spin when you use the keyboard control? Did you run the input wizard and calibrated the PPM signal?