hi all- i just loaded VESC-tool silver on my windows laptop. is it possible to upgrade a maker-x HI200 to v5.03 firmware, and if so, how is that done? i see the Firmware tab in the tool and install new firmware and firmware changelog, but i have no idea whether this vesc will accept the upgrade or how start the download...
i'm running a T-motor U15 off this esc on an ebike, and got pretty close with manual tuning thus far but want to test the latest version. thanks.
nevermind. the firmware versions are accessed through the Developer tab on top of the page... the HI200 did not like the v5.3 firmware. perhaps the experts could make it work but i had to go back to the original 5.2 version.
How did you manage to dowgrade from 5.3? After each upload of 5.2 it says it is still.on 5.3.
I am bit confused by the version number in VESC Tool. I chose 5.03 in In Developer / Load Firmware Configs, it shows 5.3 after upgrading. Is there any reason for this?
I don't know if the Hi200 is supported, but you have to be carefull upgrading non supported custom hardware, you can brick your device. If for example on the PCB a input is configured as output, you can blow your processor.