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How can I get current data from VESC to stm32f446re

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Last seen: 3 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2022-01-23 19:19
Posts: 2
How can I get current data from VESC to stm32f446re


I am using vesc to use the bldc motor.
In stm32f446re, I succeeded in operating the motor with the duty I wanted by giving PPM to vesc.
What's left now is to get the current value the motor receives from vesc.
It was successful to communicate with Arduino and obtain the value from Arduino through the UART.getVescValues() function.
But I want stm32 and vesc to communicate uart without Arduino to get the current value.
No matter how much packets are sent in stm32, vesc does not respond.
What should I do?
I upload the code to stm32 using stm32 Cube IDE.