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Vesc Tool Mobile can't update Vesc Firmware

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Happy Giraffe
Last seen: 5 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2021-08-25 02:57
Posts: 3
Vesc Tool Mobile can't update Vesc Firmware


Hi! I have a vesc firmware on my Android phone I would like to update to, but even the newest and updated version of Vesc Tool Mobile (19.1.2022) doesn't show me the bin file. The file shows up in system file manager but app doesn't show it at all (.bin)

Are there planned updates to solve the issue? Thanks!


Vesc: Spintend Ubox Single 75/100

Phone: Xiaomi Mi11i (Android 11 MiUi

Vesc tool for Android 3.01 (19.1.2022)


Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
VESC FreeVESC OriginalVESC Platinum
Joined: 2016-12-26 15:20
Posts: 490

The latest required android api version for the play store makes it really difficult for apps to access the local filesystem, so currently that is not possible. Same problem for logging. I'm working on finding a solution for that.

One workaround if you need to update the firmware via bluetooth is to connect the phone to the same network as a computer and activate the "Wireless Bridge to Computer (TCP)" in vesc tool on the phone. It will then show you an ip address that you can connect to it from tcp in desktop vesc tool. Then you can update the firmware from desktop vesc tool.



It does actually work if you use the path


Same for log files. You can access that location from a computer connected over USB (at least that works for me)

Happy Giraffe
Last seen: 5 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2021-08-25 02:57
Posts: 3

Hi Benjamin, thanks a lot for the reply! I managed to get a workaround using the Android/data/vedder.vesctool/files. However Android 11+ blocks the access to that folder so I had to use an App called "File Manager - XFolder" if anybody else is having the same issue with default file explorer apps. You can then grant the file app access to that Android folder and Vesc tool Mobile recoqnized the bin file nicely. Updating also worked fine, thanks again and have a nice weekend!

Spintend Single Ubox 75V100A, GMAC 10T, T9N torque sensor, 48V