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Did I damage My Vesc?

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Kent Church
Last seen: 3 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2022-01-06 01:18
Posts: 1
Did I damage My Vesc?

So yesterday i got on Vesc Tool and thought I had configured my set up (Ubox V2 with a flipsky vx2 remote). Unfortunately the board malfunctioned due to a stutter under load.

While trying to figure it out, I saw tutorials that recommended updating the Firmware. When I tried this I got a pop up window that said something about possibly damaging my Vecs. 

I'm afraid that happened because now I can only get one wheel to spin, and I cannot access Vesc tool through my phone (via Bluetooth) due to a pop up window that says it "Could not read Firmware version. Make sure the selected port really belongs to the Vesc". After clicking "OK" I am disconnected. When I try to reconnect this window pops up again and this loop continues, not allowing me access.

So I got on a computer and plugged it in with a USB-C. I tried to reboot the firmware but I was only able to reboot one vesc. When i try to reboot the other side, I get a pop up saying I'm not connected. 

Really frustrated, and could use some advice please, 

Last seen: 8 months 5 days ago
Joined: 2017-09-07 22:28
Posts: 232

the other side, usb connection been tried ? 

Maybe a swd reflashing could bring it back