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Need Help with single FSESC running a BDUAV 6384 120KV & 12v SLA Batt Setup

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Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 2022-01-05 05:53
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Need Help with single FSESC running a BDUAV 6384 120KV & 12v SLA Batt Setup

Greetings to All,   


First time post and quite a newbie so please forgive is this is not the correct location to post.  I'm working on a project for a slow-moving "push" vehicle and have issues gettiing the motor to spin.   I've using a FSESC 4.12 ESC, BDUAV 6384 120kv motor and a 12v 20Ah SLA battery.  


For starters, the BDUAV motor has only 5 for a sensor wire.  From some research, I found that it does not have a temp sensor, so I've changed the motor sensor wires to reflect the following:  +5v(red) TMP (blank/no wire attached)  H1(orange) H2(white) H3(yellow) and -(black).

From there, I ran the VESC Tool and attempted to set up the esc.  I'm using a hobby grade Futaba T14 radio and FMR-02 receiver.  I can connect to the esc successfully, choose the PPM input option (with the icon of a RC radio) and see the PPM mapping when I move the proper stick on the radio associated with that channel.  For this application, I wish to use the esc as FWD-REV, as such I tried to use the PID speed control option.  When I'm finished with setup, the motor will not spin, only a bit of a whine and what seems like an attempt to move in either direction.  


I'll add that I tried to do the SETUP Motors FOC, where I also set up the battery type and 3S  with 20.0Ah but cannot complete as it gives an error that there is a connection missing when attempting to spin the motors.


Any help would be greatly appreciated, 



Last seen: 8 months 5 days ago
Joined: 2017-09-07 22:28
Posts: 232

while unloaded motor, use motor setup wizard. you could update fw to the latest one, if you like.