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(CLOSED)Custom FW based on beta "could not deserialize"

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Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2021-10-22 13:03
Posts: 7
(CLOSED)Custom FW based on beta "could not deserialize"


Looks like I was using BETA75 but from a different branch.

Hi community,

I've changed the structure of the CAN Status5 message to be able to use an external display, compiled without errors and successfully flashed. However now the VESC tool pops up with 

"Could not deserialize motor configuration. You probably need to update the VESC firmware, as a new iteration of the test version has been made". How do I override that? I could not find any hint on the web. 

Thanks for the help! 

I am on the latest VESC tool and beta 75 build. Both refer to BLDC FW.