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App. settings: "Enable servo output on PPM-port when PPM-app is disabled." option

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Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2021-04-05 18:05
Posts: 24
App. settings: "Enable servo output on PPM-port when PPM-app is disabled." option

Hello, apparently there is an app setting with the option:  "Enable servo output on PPM-port when PPM-app is disabled."

However, I can not find this option on my VESC tool. If anyone has, can you please tell me how? I need  this option for my servo. I am using VESC-tool 3,  FW: 5.2, HW:60.

If it is not available because of my FW or HW, then how can I achieve this functionality? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
