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PPM Position over CAN bus?

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Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 2018-10-13 21:43
Posts: 2
PPM Position over CAN bus?

Is there anyway to receive PPM (throttle position) info through CAN bus from VESC?   I am looking to implement light functionality like brake lights and would rather run that off the PPM position than things like checking for negative current flow from the motors.

I've noticed that current flow on braking (revserse) is not always negative if you're at a stand still position with no induced roll into the motors, say on a flat surface at a stop sign.

CAN_PACKET_STATUS 1-5 seem only to cover the following outputs.

  • dutyCycle - the current duty cycle
  • rpm - the RPM from the VESC
  • current - the current, the VESC uses
  • ampHours - the ampere hours the VESC has used from the battery
  • ampHoursCharged - the ampere hours the battery has been charged by the VESC
  • wattHours - the watt hours the VESC has used from the battery
  • wattHoursCharged - the watt hours the battery has been charged by the VESC
  • mosfetTemp - the temperature of the MOSFETs
  • motorTemp - the temperature of the Motor, if supported by the motor
  • inputVoltage - the input voltage, which is the voltage of the battery
  • tachometer - the current speed calculated by the VESC
  • totalCurrentIn - total current input
  • pidPosition = current PID position