My ADC1 input is pinned around 3 volts with or without anything connected. I have done a bunch of troubleshooting and I think unfortunately it may be broken. The ADC2 however does work and when I hook my throttle up to it I get the expected range of voltage.
I would like to use ACD2 as my main current throttle control, but I do not see any option in VESC tool to make it the main throttle. Is this possible?
fw pin assightments could be a solution. but fw recompile will be necessary
Okay, I will take a look into doing that. Thanks
I was able to use ADC2 after recompiling the firmware as suggested. I edited app_adc.c and changed ADC_IND_EXT to ADC_IND_EXT2 on line 124.
Thank you for the suggestion!