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FSESC 4.2 problem at full speed ..

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Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2021-10-05 18:56
Posts: 33
FSESC 4.2 problem at full speed ..

hi all .

Problem with this esc .

at almost full speed, at stabilized speed, I have intempestive accel/brakes. it's quite dangerous!    

no problem in other states .. accelerations and brake .

My configuration : dual hubs sensored( hoverboard ) , FOC in 12s ,good motor detection  .

Remote VX2 on uart with can . I also tried without can and remote receiver on 2 uart ports ..


it seems that the vesc4 is having issues in FOC & 12s ?? I do not know which parameter to modify ..

Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2021-10-05 18:56
Posts: 33

it seems HW4 with 2 shunts have sometimes the problem with some motors at 80% duty cycle.

a mixing phase noise with  current measure . bad luck for me.

no parameters to adjust to amplify current measure  ?


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The HW 4.xx uses 2 shunts only and it lacks linearity from 60% throttle onwards. It will be linear to around 60% of full speed, then it will decrease for a bit up to around 80 % and then it will increase from 80% to 100% very fast.

Have a read here:

Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2021-10-05 18:56
Posts: 33

okay .

I also thought it was due to the lack of 3rd shunt, but in the meantime I think I found the solution in this post:

my DUTY CYCLE CURRENT LIMIT was at 100% . it should be at 85% for e-skate applications .You will see on log that near max speed on flat , current decrease(normal) and become negative .

if DUTY CYCLE CURRENT LIMIT always < MAX DUTY CYCLE it's always good and stay positive wink

during the tests I had a nice fall, so injured, I can't try. but i will find a tester laugh

Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2021-10-05 18:56
Posts: 33

DUTY CYCLE CURRENT LIMIT value is perhaps a part of the problem .current detection sensibility and throtle sensibility another part .

can I detect it and see something with Realtime Data ? and adjust some parameters ?