My project requires the can bus be enabled; I have three hub motors and three motor controllers that need to output the same control data from my ADC throttle. I can't seem to get them to connect or come up simultaneously in vesc tool like I did before. Subject title is the same message I get when I go to scan the can bus in the communication tab. This is frustrating because I finally have all the hardware I need to finish this project as of today and now suddenly software issues. How can I get vesc tool to register all three motor controllers?
What is the HW? How wired up?
I have two flipsky 50A controllers and one 100/250 Trampa controller. The rest of the running hardware is segway ninebot max parts. Before I installed the ninebot battery packs I have now I was using a refurbished battery and I was able to get vesc tool to recognize all three motor controllers.The project is an electric go kart trike thing. Very d.i.y....