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Nunchuck app working for anyone?

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Last seen: 3 years 2 weeks ago
VESC Original
Joined: 2017-08-02 00:38
Posts: 11
Nunchuck app working for anyone?

Hello guys

I am trying to get the UART library from RollingGecko to work with 3.XX firmware, after going thru all the code from the firmware, mainly commands.c and datatypes.h and making sure everything is right, I can't make the Nunchuck app work, I can set current, request and receive all the stats (bldcMeasure).


This is the payload that is being sent to the VESC


void VescUartSetNunchukValues(remotePackage& data) {
	int32_t ind = 0;
	uint8_t payload[11];
	payload[ind++] = COMM_SET_CHUCK_DATA;
	payload[ind++] = data.valXJoy;
	payload[ind++] = data.valYJoy;
	buffer_append_bool(payload, data.valLowerButton, &ind);
	buffer_append_bool(payload, data.valUpperButton, &ind);
	payload[ind++] = 0;
	payload[ind++] = 0;
	payload[ind++] = 0;


The only thing left is that the actual Nunchuck app is not working on the new firmware (3.XX), thoughts? 



Last seen: 3 years 2 weeks ago
VESC Original
Joined: 2017-08-02 00:38
Posts: 11

Just an update


Everything working, I used a version of Rollinggecko library that Pinmousse modified and it's working perfectly on 3.34 firmware, including the nunchuck app