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Minimum speed push cart using arduino

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Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2020-10-06 15:29
Posts: 1
Minimum speed push cart using arduino


I have been building a pushcart using 2 HUB motors, VESC, and Arduino to control the VESC using U-ART (Rolling Gecko)

used the "SetRPM" function to control my speed with fast and slow toggle button to switch speeds


noticed 2 problems:

1. If I push the cart while walking to move it faster it will try to correct itself by stopping and going backward. I want to set a minimum speed and let myself push to go faster if I want. is there a way to set Minimum RPM without correcting if I go above it?

2. While using the low-speed configuration the cart has no power to bypass obstacles. only if I increase the RPM set by the Arduino the cart has enough power. I have tried to set higher RPM using the Arduino and cap it using ERPM from the VESC to the desired speed, this setting lets me insert more power and bypass obstacles but I can't change the VESC settings on the fly so it limits me to only 1 speed. Is there a way to get more power while going lower speeds? alternatively, change the ERPM VESC setting using the Arduino?


Thanks to all helpers!
