Hi guys,
I'm looking for VESC that would support 14-16S Li-ion and would not need over 40amps realistically, please feel free to advice what to take :)
But now not about that! I see that VESC 75/300 has a built in IMU - my question is how is it utilized?!
I see potential where that VESC could become a proper IMU based alarm with just few lines of code and free output to trigger small mosfet to opn gate for the siren connected to the battery.
- lock and unlock could than be done simply in the APP! :D (hell we could even add a voice assist short cut to lock and unlock via Siri!)
- with another 1-2 lines of code we could add controller to engage 100% motor breaking up on alarm trigger (preferably separate menu setting from motor breaking while driving - to allow to set higher amp than breaking when driving)
I'm not sure why no one has implemented it yet - it would be a killer feature and great selling point! ADC3 could be used as external ARM/disarm switch (just a small RF box that would give 5v to controller ADC3 when person pressed arm button, thus setting Controller into sleeping mode with gyro monitoring position and disabling power on/off button input and throttle input)
this way all the main controls like breaks and throttle and power would remain in control of well developed VESC and not some shit like Pi Zero or ESP32 microcomputer.
- though connecting something like ESP32 sim7000G via UART could than be used as BT/Wifi connector pass through + GPS tracker + 3G conection to the app to notify about alarm + RFID scanning computerr all in one (ESP would send signal to get into alarm mode and it would only require addition of IMU alarm trigger status sent back from VESC via uart back to ESP32 in order to send push notification to the phone using something like Blynk)
Please share if you have any thoughts guys :)
alarm triggered - could be a new fault message sinc it already exists in UART implementation for read
I guess alternately it could bee much easier if there would be very basic setting (alarm mode trigger), which could be assigneed to ADC input.
0v not active
2.5v armed - so VESC would disable power button and throttle input, set controller to to sleep only checking for ADC3 input level nothing.
5v triggerede - so VESC would keep disabled power button and throttle input, but wake up to activate motor breaking to the max amp value configured.
in this case minimal coding and changes what be required on VESC side and external "VESC alarm" could be sold or DIY would have a blast with all kind of system - RFID/remotes/GPS/SIM and so on, just need one input on VESC with correct code to trigger motor break up on the trigger.
than external alarm could be used