I have a problem that my vesc ( 4.12) is reading a 130°C Temp on the FET. R1 and R2 are both around 8-9k Ohm and I don't really see any damage.
I use my vesc for a very timid setup on my dual esk8.
Instead of fixing the hardware, I would want to run the risk of increasing the limits from 120 to 160 °C since I have never hit the Temp limit and I ride my esk8 now for 1 year.
If the Vesc breaks I have a reason to upgrade the latest vesc 6 :D
But could somoene help me overwriting the max value's ?
In developer tab,
I open the parameter editor mcconfig.
I click on I_temp_fet_start , and raise the max value.
Press save.
But my Vesc tool isn't updating, what am i missing?