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current measurements crazy high after replacing DRV8301 with DRV8302, it throws a FAULT_CODE_ABS_OVER_CURRENT

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Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2018-09-30 20:30
Posts: 2
current measurements crazy high after replacing DRV8301 with DRV8302, it throws a FAULT_CODE_ABS_OVER_CURRENT

I blew up a few VESC 4.12 and finally decided to repair them.  The chip originally is a DRV8301 but there are none in stock anywhere, so I replaced it with DRV8302.

A couple had burnt traces so I only managed to revive 3 of them.  When I run them they all behave similarily throwing a FAULT_CODE_ABS_OVER_CURRENT

I get this issue even if I just turn the motor by hand.  Generic 6374 motors.

Tried reflashing them, several times, but still same issue.

Everytime I try to run it with the arrow keys or remote control it just gives a "click" sound on the motors and shows up with the fault.