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Need help maximizing torque at low RPM - FOC, Hub motors, Flipsky VESC 4.12 50A

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Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2021-02-11 00:22
Posts: 2
Need help maximizing torque at low RPM - FOC, Hub motors, Flipsky VESC 4.12 50A

I am using two 8.5 inch 350 watt wheel motors from a Gyroor Warrior G2 hoverboard controlled by Flipsky VESC 4.12 50 amp controllers.  An Arduino Mega is controlling both controllers via UART communications. I am sending commands to set the RPM of each motor.  The motors were configured with the "Motor Setup Wizard" to use FOC with hall sensors.

Currently I am powering with a 7S2P battery bank.  The motors were intended for 10S2P and I have such a pack ordered to see how much difference the higher voltage makes.  

Experimenting in VESCTool I find that if I hold the motor with my hand and send an instruction for 300 RPM the motor will begin to draw an amp or so then it will increase.  Once it reaches 15 amps it overpowers my grip.  The problem is that it takes a long time to ramp up the current. 

The vehicle works well on hard surfaces but tends to bog on carpet with a pad below.  This slow ramping up results in delayed movement on carpet and most often the operator will have significantly throttled up before the wheels begin to spin.  That results in a launch effect.  

I have increased Switching Frequency from 25 kHz to 40 kHz.  This increase appears to have increased torque. 

I have the Motor Current Max set at 30A.  That seems unreasonable for a "350 watt" motor however reducing amperage results in greater bogging issues.  

The Arduino sets a max ERPM of 1,500 which I may lower to 1,000.  The motors spin up to 7,000 in VESCTool testing. 

I have Ramp ePRMs per second set to 4000 which softens the starting and stopping making for a better passenger experience. 

What settings can I tweak to optimize low RPM torque?

What can I change in the VESC settings to decrease the time to increase amperage to get the wheels moving?

Thanks in advance for all assistance.