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VESC tool for Android

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Last seen: 3 years 2 weeks ago
VESC Original
Joined: 2020-05-12 08:40
Posts: 2
VESC tool for Android

I have updated the tools to the current version 3.0.
Great tools, many thanks to the developers!!!

Unfortunately I have one problem.

With this version I cannot select a path for "Realtime Data Logging" under Android. If I enter a path manually, no .csv file is saved there. With version 2.06 it worked successfully.

Does anyone have a tip on what I am doing wrong or has anyone used this successfully under Android?
I am using Android 10 on a Xiaomi Mi MIX 2S.

Thanks a lot  


Last seen: 4 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2020-11-06 18:36
Posts: 1

I had that issue too, just then. I ended up creating a new folder on the SD card via Google Files, then restarted VESC tool, and then clicked Choose File folder (which now worked for some reason, was blank before), and navigated to the new folder. Now the logging started. 

But I cannot make sense of the ms_today time stamp format. :-(

B Reinke, UK

Last seen: 3 years 2 weeks ago
VESC Original
Joined: 2020-05-12 08:40
Posts: 2

I try to create a folder with Google Files too, restart vesc tool, if I click "Choose File folder" it is still blank.


Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2018-04-26 12:18
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I have a similar problem with my new Xiaomi phone and entering the path manually doesn't seem to work.

On my previous android phone I used the path to the internal storage e.g /sdcard/vesc-logs and it was fine.

Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
VESC Original
Joined: 2021-03-12 14:13
Posts: 1

I am having the exact same problem, I have tried entering the file path manually with no luck, and like others the 'Choose folder' option appears blank. With manually entered file paths I do get the GNSS notification when I check "Enable RT Data Logging" box but cannot find any sign of a file being created.

Last seen: 6 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2021-05-28 22:27
Posts: 3

Same here.

Tapping "CHOOSE LOG DIRECTORY..." shows white blank space where the file list should be, meaning it's probably silently ignoring an error. Then tapping ".." in top right corner goes to the root of the filesystem (which I don't really care for). Attempting to navigate to a mounted sdcard shows blank white space again.

Attempting to input a file path manually, e.g. "file:///storage/emulated/0/vesc" gives "output direcotry does not exist". When I go and create the directory, the error changes to "Could not open file for writing.". That would hint at a permission issue.

The App has the storage permission and I've just tried to disable/enable it a few times, didn't help.

FWIW I have found the App's home directory at "/data/data/vedder/vesctool/files/", this is the directory it logs to when you've got a path like "./log" set in the app (which was the default for me). So I can log and find the files, but it is hugely inconvenient to access them there (rooted system is likely necessary).

Dan Dyse
Last seen: 8 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2022-08-18 15:23
Posts: 2

But I cannot make sense of the ms_today time stamp format. :-(

Was just playing around with it and found: it is simply the time of the day.

Example: 57598041

Means: 15:59:58.041

So 57598 is the time of today in seconds: 15*60*60 + 59*60 + 58 adding 041 (milliseconds).

Cheers from Glasgow!