Thanks for the project. I put the VESC on my Hardware. Everything worked. :)
I have several questions and one bug.
I have compiled the latest farmware 5.1.
I have an LM61 temperature sensor near the transistors.
Tell me where to change the code for this sensor correctly.
I also had a problem with setting up the APP.
If you set the controll PPM + SERIAL. after reset, the controller no longer works not according to PPM and SERIAL.
I got around this problem. added for my motor.H and APP.H to the project.
But this is not very convenient.
Thanks for the help.
The temperature calculation should be in the hardware config header file.
Thanks, I will try with this sensor.
//#define NTC_RES(adc_val) (10000.0 / ((4095.0 / (float)adc_val) - 1.0)) //NTC is low side onb this hardware
//#define NTC_TEMP(adc_ind) (1.0 / ((logf(NTC_RES(ADC_Value[adc_ind]) / 10000.0) / 3380.0) + (1.0 / 298.15)) - 273.15)
#define NTC_TEMP(adc_ind) ((((V_REG / 4095.0) * (float)ADC_Value[ADC_IND_TEMP_MOS]) - 0.6)/0.01) //LM61