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75/300 R3 and wird iOS metr App

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Joined: 2020-05-04 17:02
Posts: 7
75/300 R3 and wird iOS metr App

Hi all!


I have big problems with an stable connection between those devices.

i can successfully connect with my metr App to the Vesc and can read all data.

i can also write data to the vesc.

when I test it I got also some telemetry data to my app.

but when I drive longer the connection broken.

when I try to reconnect to the metr Dongle it also not possible.

i must totally stop and restart the app and I can again connect.

what can I do to get a stable connection? Perhaps I must switch off the internal Bluetooth from the Vesc?

And when yes, how I can do that in metr?

my Android mobile was died in the water, I can't use at moment no Vesc tool :(