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Question about improvement og VESC 6.4

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Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
Joined: 2017-10-22 18:21
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Question about improvement og VESC 6.4

Since the "old" seems to be dead I will try to get some answers here...
This is what i posted there already:

I really like VESC 4 and the whole project. Really stunning work! You did so much for the community - Thank you Mr. Vedder :)
What I am curious about are the improvements of the VESC 6.4
Shure, the direct FETs can handle more current and provide better cooling options!

Why did you switch to 3 Shunts? Third Phase current is easy to calculate...

How did you manage to stableize FOC mode on that Layout?
Is it based on more percice current measurement because of the amplifier and maybe other gain step available of the DRV?

How is the DRV protected against harmfull impacts?
Just by using the current sense amplifier?

Why are higher erpms possible on Layout 6.4?

I hope you can help me clarify me questions. Would be awesome!

Roger Wolff
Last seen: 4 weeks 1 day ago
VESC FreeVESC Original
Joined: 2017-05-24 12:27
Posts: 203

Why did you switch to 3 Shunts? Third Phase current is easy to calculate...

There is noise on each of the current measurements. Mostly due to "recent switching of the associated FET". With 3 phase shunts you can decide which current measurement will have the most noise and discard that measurement and use the calculated value. 

I think higher ERPM was made possible by a software change. That should carry back to older hardware.  But I'm messing with low RPM motors nowadays so I don't know first hand.