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Version 0.84, some problems with ADC, see 2nd post please!

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Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2017-09-06 14:18
Posts: 116
Version 0.84, some problems with ADC, see 2nd post please!

Thanks Frank, and special thanks to Benjamin.

Just tested the 0.84 version with all ADC options, works great for me.

Now I can use a potentiometer to vary the speed from 250 erpm to 30000 erpm in FOC.

Tested in simple Duty cycle, PID, and Current with no reverse features.


Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2017-09-06 14:18
Posts: 116

Sorry, but there are some problems.

In ADC app Duty Cycle or PID mode, when the pot is in the zero position, the motor doesn't turn, but there are some current drawn and some resistance if you try to rotate manually the shaft.

In ADC app Current mode, when the pot is in the zero position, the motor doesn't turn, but there are no current drawn an no resistance when you try to rotate the shaft, motor is free.

Please Benjamin can you test with other motors to confirm what I say and find a solution to the problem?

Have a Nice Day.


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VESC FreeVESC OriginalVESC Platinum
Joined: 2016-12-26 15:20
Posts: 490

This is actually the intended behavior. Duty cycle mode is a direct voltage output mode, and if the requested voltage is 0 volts it is the same as shorting the motor windings. This is why the phases are driven and shorted.

Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2017-09-06 14:18
Posts: 116

OK, understood.

Have a Nice Day.
