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Firmware 3.29 hardware 4.12 , 0.5mOhm shunts

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Firmware 3.29 hardware 4.12 , 0.5mOhm shunts

Hello everyone!


Anyone could help me providing me the 3.29 firmware but with 0.5 mOhm shunt resistors!?

The source code isn't available, so I'm asking help from someone!


At the moment I have 2 VESC's with 0.5mOhm shunts,one with Fairchild FDBL0065N MOSFETs which is limited to 8S and other one with FDBL110N060 MOSFETs which goes up to 12S 


I'm testing the FOC mode in both,but don't want to power up to much because of the current measurement!

Any help would be greatly appreciated😉


Last seen: 3 weeks 2 hours ago
VESC FreeVESC OriginalVESC Platinum
Joined: 2016-12-26 15:20
Posts: 490

The source code is available on github, but if your only change is the shunts the 0.5 mOhm firmware is included with VESC Tool. You can see it if you check the "Show non-default firmwares" box.