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VESC settings for large scooter motor

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VESC settings for large scooter motor


I would like to ask for help.
I have Ninebot MAX G30P, and currently, I'm trying to get the motor working with VESC. (I destroyed original ESC)
I want to use FOC control, but I have trouble with detecting motor parameters (after many tries I've got some results, but I'm not sure if they are correct).

The motor itself is rated for 350W (approx 10") with hall sensors I have no other information about it.
When I try to detect hall sensors, VESC is not able to slowly rotate the motor. It starts somewhat jumping between poles.

Another thing that I want to know is some simple guide on how to tune PID values for large motors.

Thanks in advance


Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
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What values does your esc detect for R, L and lambda?

For the hall sensors, try to get a bemf sample (under sampled data) while turning the motor manually. I think there is an option to show the hall states as the motor rotates.

Last seen: 4 years 5 days ago
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Výběr_026.pngThose are measured values.

I'll give it try with bemf sample, when I'll be at home.

Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
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L and lambda are believeable but the motor resistance seems very high for a scooter motor.

Andre Balian
Last seen: 11 months 2 weeks ago
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Hi, ive got a mini vesc 4.2 flipsky. When loading firmware and input on connected vesc from vesc tools everything works well, all inputs say they are written, firmware loaded, wheel spins fwd and bkwd when i input on the wizard, all functioins go as supposed to. But when i disconnect from pc, reboot and try to engage throttle, nothing happens. can anyone please help. I am running vesc on a max g30 ninebot scooter.

Any help will be greatly and seriously appreciated. Thanks a bunch.

Andre Balian

Andre Balian
Last seen: 11 months 2 weeks ago
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I hate vesc, does not work with e-bike  or scooter adc throttle. i purchased a second thinking the first was a factory defect. but same sh** with second vesc. does not run wheel with adc throttle. 

osts here with same complaint. if anyone is reading this and you are trying to use vesc on a e bike or scooter, your outa luck unless u bluetooth the throttle or use wireless. 

upload on vesc tools writting fw and wizard works perfect, wheel spin fwd, bkwd, all goes well. but when connected to a wired throttle, nothing. 

if this sounds similar to anyone, return and get your money back. dont waste time trying to configure it to get it to work, it wont.

Andre Balian

Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
VESC FreeVESC Original
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That's odd, works perfectly fine on my Sinclair C5. I've an ebike throttle between +3V3, gnd and ADC1. Ran the calibration routine and it works. Not much fuss. Seeing as yours is a seperate issue to the original post how about you make a new topic, post up a picture of your setup and how you've got it all setup and we'll see what we can do. VESC isn't great for eBikes as it doesn't have support for ePAS but there are external projects to add that support.

Chris Barth
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I have several NB Max scooters one with the  FS 4.20 and another with the FS 75/100FOC FSESC.   Took me a few minutes to trace out 5V, ground  and both the thumb throttle ACD and the brake ADC signal wires between the old dash to where they used to terminate in the stock ESC, colors do not match at either end, don't assume red is 5V and black is ground, use a DMM on continuity mode to figure out what wire is what. Anyway, once that was sorted out I sent 5V and ground from the ESC up to both brake and throttle, took the signal return from the thumb throttle to ADC1, took signal return from hand brake to ADC2.   Used Current Reverse ADC2 button in the ADC voltage mapping function in VESC tool. 

 I have no idea how my technical skills match up to others here.  Might help that I've been an electrician for almost 30 yrs and I've been active in electric RC aircraft basically since they came into existence.  I will say that I basically did it blind, could find no tutorials anywhere for this scooter.  It took some screwing around with to get right but I got it all done within a few hrs.  What Im trying to say is that this is not a plug-and-play type thing.  A bit of electrical knowledge is needed, I think it would be difficult for someone without.  Not impossible though.  

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I just saying that you're connecting vesc a g30 does the BMS and dashboard have compatibility or do I need to get after market I am running a 6s external battery which I charge manually and run it in series for total of 16s any feedback would be great thank you


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there are ways to get dashboard compatibility with vesc and xiaomi m365 and ninebot max dashboards but its a can of worms.  lol