i got my brand new VESC and downloaded the new VESC Tool (2.06) to my Computer.
I succesfully connect with USB and got soon the Information that i have installed the Firmware 4.2, it is good and proofed blah blah.
When i want uptate read the Realeasenotes. I do that.
When i go to the Firmware part i only see the Version 4.2.
I can see in the COnnectionstatus line: Connected on COM3 in limited mode.
What is that?
So, i fixed the problem.
I download from Github the latest Firmware for the 75/300 R3 and flash with the PC VESC Tool.
After Rebooting i had the FW 5.1 on my VESC. I flashed again with the VESC Tool and after them i starting all Wizzard.
Motor, Remote, all working fine!