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PPM Configuration is Only Working While Connected to VESC Software

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PPM Configuration is Only Working While Connected to VESC Software

Thanks for checking out my post, I previously made an android app to control my old electric skateboard (did not use VESC) and I am trying to get it working on my new build (uses VESC). The app sends bytes to an arduino that creates a 1ms to 2ms PWM signal for input to the VESC. On windows I followed the Input wizard documentation for PPM and it seemed to work well. I wrote the configuration to the VESC and disconnected it from my laptop but then it stopped working. So I plugged in the VESC again to my laptop and without auto connecting it, it would work again. So my problem is it works fine when the VESC is plugged into my laptop, but not at all as soon as I disconnect. I made sure that I wrote the values to the VESC but I dont know enough about this product to diagnose the problem. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2019-02-18 14:08
Posts: 5


you wrote "PPM Configuration is ..." When describing your problem you wrote "... that creates a 1ms to 2ms PWM signal ...". I'm personally not really clear what kind of modulation is used - PWM or PPM. But this makes difference. PWM (=pulse width modulation), PPM (pulse pause modulation). I'm facing the same problem. I intend to take a ESP32 capable to output PWM, rather then using a UART protocol. The ESP32 has Wifi and Bluetooth capabilities and can work in Wifi-Mode as client or accesspoint or both together.

Can you please give me some advice how do you make the app to aduino connection? I bought the FSESC 4.12 and don't know how to control the controller - via PWM or PPM?



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What Hardware do you use? Where does the Arduino get the power from? You probably have a GND loop.