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Same MC Values, differnet Output on Dual Setup

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Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
VESC Original
Joined: 2017-06-17 13:23
Posts: 27
Same MC Values, differnet Output on Dual Setup

Recognized a "strange" behavior with my Dual Setup...

By setting up the AS5047 Encoders the last days i observed that,

with equal MC values the Slave Vesc is not pulling the Amps that the Master does....

Please see the Video it makes easier to understand

The strange sound by the slave was only it slips out of my hand... on the end its the master again with 140A


I´m sure its my fault (((-: But i dont find the error....

Same Values on both VESC...140MC... Master is pulling 136A -Slave only 120A

You see on the "status" level indicator that it have the space for 140... but it dont pull it

Thanks in advance


Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
VESC Original
Joined: 2017-06-02 22:36
Posts: 37

Hi Jens 

Iam Not sure if it be the same, but i ask Ben a similar question. My Slave Motor spins slower than my Master.

Bens anwser:

"Regarding dual motors, it is normal that they spin at different speeds with no load with the new firmware. The reason is that I have changed from using voltage control for the second motor to using torque control, because when a setup has dual motors with different KV or gearing one motor will take all the load when using voltage control. Torque control shares the load better and is smoother when transitioning from rolling to driving."

i Hope it can help.
