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If firmware aint broke, dont fix it.

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Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2018-01-19 10:15
Posts: 17
If firmware aint broke, dont fix it.

The non-backwards compatibility of VESC-Tool has been very frustrating because it seems to require a firmware update if I don't have an old VT binary or APK handy. And as the old embedded c++ saying goes:

If it aint broke, dont fix it.

Each firmware upgrade carries with it a non-negligible risk of bricking during upload, wrong detection, changes to the throttle in the app settings, c++ bugs, and generally requires a proper shakedown test and validation. In some cases some dis-assembly is required, need to go to the workbench, etc: its not nothing.

Working firmware that is properly configured with the right settings is a rare and amazing beast. So once I have such a thing, I do not want to mess with it. I don't care how much better the new firmware is, or how much time was spent on it. Messing with a working configuration is not to be done on a whim, and it's not to be done on a schedule dictated by a group with no connection to a particular vehicle design.

It's important to understand that electric vehicles are now mainstream and are used in commutes and daily life. They go decently fast and share streets with automotive traffic. If there is a firmware issue, it could cause serious injury or death. To update VESC-Tool and force everyone who doesn't have the old APK or VT binary to assume the risk inherent in any new firmware is... not good. 

VESC-Tool needs to be backwards compatible, or make it able to select older firmware versions from VESC-Tool so users can choose to update when they have time for a shakedown test and settings check, or when they have seen the more daring users operating safely.

Yes I know there are VT clones that do this, but this is something VESC Project should take seriously as a group.


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I don't understand your point, if you don't wanna upgrade the firmware, just don't upgrade the VESC tool, stay with a compatible VESC tool and you would be fine.....

Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2018-01-19 10:15
Posts: 17

and when my phone auto upgrades? I get it, there's always a way for a smart guy to solve a technological problem. I bet 90% of the people on this forum can solve this problem easily by pre-emptively setting settings in their phone to not update the VESC-Tool app. Had I known that samsung would auto update, I might have done the same thing. Yet here I am with no way to use official VESC-Tool with my official VESC without updating the firmware. I get it: simple tech problem, I should sort myself out and read a book.

My point is there shouldn't BE a technological problem to solve. Pushing firmware changes every month on a phone or desktop PC is a great idea! Pushing firmware changes on a vehicle every month is a bad idea!

Of course I love Ben and Frank and the team is great people. I see this great and growing project and right around 10^5 to 10^7 users is where those 1-in-a-million firmware issues start to pop up, and continually pushing code makes that more likely, not less. We wear safety gear and obey speed limits, but so should dev team follow safe practices if so many people are using the software. 

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The latest Versions of VESC-Tool do allow to use most features without updating the FW. You can use RT-Data, connect to remotes, use profiles etc. In near future the FW update will be effortless, since the old settings will be saved and re-uploaded to the VESC.