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Electric moped self build.

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Moped Mickey
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2019-10-28 17:38
Posts: 1
Electric moped self build.

Hi all, Just signed in for the first time to say hello and tell you why I have joined.

I have bought a DIY electric motor 6355 260KV and the mini FSESC4 .20 50A (baced on FESC 4.12 ) to go with it (was on a skate board build) Also have the switch to got with it and a twist grip throttle control that I got from eBay.

The plan is to power a 1950's moped with this motor. I have already fitted the motor and wired it up with the parts that I got from the Skateboard build.

The motor is directly driving  what was the left hand side of the crankshaft.

I have got all the parts, apart from a battery. I am looking at buying a 24volt 6s 15watt from china on ebay.

I am a good mechanic but not so good on watts, amps and all that goes with this new world electric powered vehicles !

Questions that I would like help with please are:

1/ The FESC has been set up for a skate board by the previous owner, will I be ok to connect it to see if the motor powers up ok and drives my gearbox.

2/ Can I connect a 12v   3Ah motor cycle battery to the system  for checking or is this a big No No.

3/ When it comes to setting up the FESC, I will have to use my pc as I only have a IPhone. How do I go about connecting the system to my pc? I have the mini usb wire but not sure what software I need.

So for any of you who are thinking "who is this crazy guy" I apologize !   But would be grateful for any help.




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Hi Mickey,

to be honest, your setup looks non ideal. The motor is very small and very fast. Not strong enough for a Moped.

For a 4.xx VESC based controller 120-160KV is about the best to use. ERPM limit is 60.000 ERPM. In your case that is probably around 8000 RPM (60K / 7 pole pairs). 24V is way to low. You want 37V to 44V (10 or 12S LiIthium). Software is available on this website.

You really want a bigger motor, 80mm size outrunner with 14 poles and 150-190KV. You also want a VESC or VESC based controller that can push the amps.