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FOC bugs

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Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2019-06-29 18:12
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FOC bugs

Hi everyone,

I have a problem with my electric board, everything was fine with my motor in the bdlc mode, but today i tried to move for the FOC mode ( lower noise is enjoyable :) ) but here is my issue : when no one is on the board it runs quite well, but with a load on it, sometimes the motor lose his trust for a moment and just after spin at full speed. I don't understand why, it is a pretty serious problem as you can see because it can quickly unbalance the user.


Is it my configuration on vesc ? or another problem ?


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What Hardware configuration do you use. ESC manufacturer, Motor, sensored, non sensored?

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Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2019-06-20 00:06
Posts: 32

Sounds like the VESC is faulting out.  I'm having a similar problem with braking, but it did happen on acceleration once which caused me to fly off my board. I was able to run it out without falling, but I'll tell you what, its hard to have fun on a board that you can't trust!

Try to re-create the problem while looking at your VESC.  Maybe try to load the motor by rubbing a piece of wood against the drive wheel or something. I'll bet that when it occurs, you will see the red light on VESC flash a couple times indicating a fault.  There is a setting that determines how long to leave the VESC disabled after a fault, and it is set to 500ms by default. However, I have tried changing it to 0ms, but the fault reset still takes a half second. I think the lack of response to this setting might be a VESC-tool bug.

Anyway, it is happening to me when I brake too hard. If you don't know that the reset is coming, you may be trying to compensate for the lack of acceleration by increasing your throttle. When the fault resets, the controller is instantly commanded to go to that new, high rate of throttle.  Until this is resolved, just know that when you lose power suddenly you should release the throttle for a second so that you aren't caught off-gaurd when the power returns.