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At standstill a 30A limit?

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Roger Wolff
Last seen: 4 weeks 18 hours ago
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Joined: 2017-05-24 12:27
Posts: 203
At standstill a 30A limit?


I have a setup where I can load my motor with a torque-setting. The idea is then that my vesc-clone should be able to get the motor to start moving. Yesterday I had the load-torque set to require 30A, and when I commanded 80A by turning the pot all the way up, nothing happens until I manually nudge the motor. It seems as if there is a 30A limit as long as the motor isn't running. That's not acceptable in my application: I'm going to need about 100A to get going.....

Last seen: 4 weeks 21 hours ago
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Joined: 2016-12-26 15:20
Posts: 490

There should be no additional current limit at standstill. How much current did the realtime data show?

Roger Wolff
Last seen: 4 weeks 18 hours ago
VESC FreeVESC Original
Joined: 2017-05-24 12:27
Posts: 203

I have a small problem... When I increase the voltage, the connection to the computer becomes unusable (*). I'm back at 24V now, where the USB connection stays intact.... My estimate, the "realtime data" and my current clamp agree on the current. 

FOUND IT!!!!! It turns out the "MAX BRAKE CURRENT" limit is applied as long as the motor is at standstill even when we are trying to accelerate (from standstill)! 

In my final application, a small brake current limit means that I don't load the (combustion) motor with too much torque while charging the battery.  

(*) I have now tried the VESC6 beta that I have and it too has those same connection problems. My hardware works good powerd by 24V but fails on the way to 60V, the VESC6 already disconnects at 24V.