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problem with FOC current controller

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Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2022-01-28 08:12
Posts: 5
problem with FOC current controller

Hi everyone,

I am working on BLDC motor FOC control. I am developing firmware based on VESC firmware. But i am having some problem with Vq value that keeps on increasing.

I have recorded the following waveforms.

ia,ib,ic values as shown in the figure-1.(When motor is running at 40 rpm).

Vapha(RED), Vbeta(BLUE) as shown in figure-2. (When motor is running at 20 rpm)

Vq(RED) and Vd(BLUE) as shown in figure-3. (when motor is running at 40 rpm)

Motor rotates but it starts rotating slowly, like initially it starts with a very low RPM that its movement cannot be perceived but the change in encoder signal can be observed on CRO. Vq signal is continuously increasing with very low rate.

I don't know why motor starts very slowly and takes significant time to get an rpm?

is it a FOC PID tuning problem or something related to FOC?.

I have done some more experiment to better explain the problem that can be seen here.

Please help.


Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 2018-02-03 18:06
Posts: 55

Maybe you can put this on Discord, there is also one for VESC, you will probably get answers more quickly...