For my thesis am i making a electric scooter. Yesterday after i did the firmware update, a connect has lost. Today I i soldered it back together but when i wanted to connect the VESC to the vesc tool, it said "Could not autoconnect. Make sure that the USB cable is plugged in and that the VESC is powered.". The green and blue LED are together always on.
I hope someone can help me out.
Just for my case - the autoconnecting doesn't work always straight away. I'm sure you tried it already, but restarting the tool helps sometimes. And try two three times autoconnect. If the VESC was turned off but not disconnected in the tool, the tool does not like to reconnect.
You may also try to connect via Bluetooth to check if the VESC is alive (mobile app -> VESC).
same thing happened to me, I think the firmware is bricked somehow. I bought an swd programmer from aliexpress and will try to load a new firmware hoping that fixes it
Make sure to only connect GND, CLK and IO. Do not connect VCC to the clone programmer! This cn damage your ESC.