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App development and Debug

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Joined: 2022-01-14 11:59
Posts: 19
App development and Debug

Hello. I had some background programming in embedded systems, but I'm new to VESC programming. I've done an application very simple, but now I plan to make an application more complex, so debugging is a must. How do you debug an application? There is a dev tools console in VESC-Tool, and communications via USB between VESC and VESC-Tool, so the printing should not be an issue. How is it made? How can I print from VESC application so the result is written out in VESC-Tool console??

Thanks in advance,


Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: 2018-02-03 18:06
Posts: 55

In your custom application you can use 'commands_printf();' for printing stuff, I don't know exactly which header files you need, otherwhise look at the file /applications/app_custom_template.c for inspiration.

In the beta version I'm also trying to use LispBM for making a custom application, but I don't know when this is in the main branch on github. But a possibility for the future. The big advantage is that your custom application is seperated from the firmware, so you can upload the generic firmware without to compile it your self and then upload your Lispbm application via Vesc tool to the Vesc hardware.