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WAND -Joystick faulty-

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Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
Joined: 2019-04-16 19:18
Posts: 3
WAND -Joystick faulty-

after half a year of winter break, I got my board and the WAND out of the garage to go.

Unfortunately, the WAND now often shows "Joystick faulty" at startup or even in operation. 

Some of the controls are imprecise and rough.

Is this repairable? Is the error known? 

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Easy to fix. The old Joystick needs to be cut down ( not de-soldered). Then each pin is de-soldered separately and the holes are cleaned up with a solder sucker. The new Joystick is placed and that is it.

Trampa can do the job, or anyone with solder skills.

Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
Joined: 2019-04-16 19:18
Posts: 3

parts ordered. 
Is that a known issue? Is it depending on the storage environment? 

I kept the Wand for a year unused and right after that the sensor was faulty.