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Filip Kinl
Last seen: 2 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2022-02-19 22:32
Posts: 5
Hi, I need to deal with a problem I have. I have a scooter FLJ sk3 2x3500W, battery 20S 72V and I bought the driver FS75100. I have 80A set for each motor.
The scooter rides quite well at the beginning, but after 1 km it loses power. the voltage on the battery is fine, which is causing a sharp do not know falling power! :(
Last seen: 8 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2021-07-07 16:19
Posts: 2

If your temperature sensor wire is being used, it could be getting hot and cutting current. Try backing the current to 50A. Then test the resistance on each of the 3 power wires on each VESC from motor to VESC and be sure they have similar resistance.

Robert W Clark IV
Daimler Financial

Oded Mazor
Last seen: 8 months 11 hours ago
Joined: 2021-12-24 14:36
Posts: 14

Probably the fets temperaure soft cutoff is kicking in. If you have the bluetooth adapter, it can be monitored live.