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Controlling a custom made RC Vehicle

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Last seen: 9 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2022-03-05 12:31
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Controlling a custom made RC Vehicle

Hello, I have built this contraption of a vehicle we call the "tot rod" it has dual brushless motors a controlled by an 8 channel radio transmitter. I have an unnecessary amount of 20v power tool batteries at jus disposal, I've been running up to 4 of these depending on how far we are going.  20v get this around 12mph @ 20v with 4 batters at 20v it will drive around for hours. With 4 batteries at 80v it did wheelies and immediately burned up the ESC... this began my learning curve that brought me here. Ideally 40v is plenty. Can i rebuild these smoked esc units? Should I? Does it make sense to spec my own vesc? This community's seems to know what's up. Pint me in the right direction ? Thanks in advance


a dad in Minnesota 

Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2017-09-07 22:28
Posts: 232

It would be better to use a 130v vesc