I'm looking for a VESC with this form factor:
Does anybody knows a VESC like this ?
I'm quite fan of the VESC and I will going to do a bigger project and want to stick to the VESC and preferable with those threaded lugs (I don't know if this is the right English name..)
Thanks in advance.
It can be designed... We have done such custom designs in rhe past.
That is alway's possible, but that would be to expensive for me. But none existing commercial VESC out there with this form factor I guess...
No such thing exists.
I found these via Facebook....Somebody have experience with these ?
@ Gatze
We have a similar ESC which is in production. (80v)100V/600A
I've also long been interested in a VESC that is IP67 or greater and uses those terminal screws. If you search "zesc raiden 7" you'll find some vesc variants that use the same type of connections but don't seem to be truly waterproof.
I've seen the Zesc before, but as you say the connector for the small signals are not waterproof.
Do you have a picture of the finished end product with housing and such ?
@Gatze I am producing the housing