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Cannot downgrade from 5.03 to 5.02

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Last seen: 5 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2022-02-19 22:25
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Cannot downgrade from 5.03 to 5.02


just bought the Maker GO-FOC Hi200 ESC from Maker X. It had 5.02 firmware on it but I could not get the input wizard to run on the latest Vesc Tool. It said something about unsopported firmware. The Motor Wizard worked just fine. So I upgraded(to 5.03) and now both wizards runs fine but something is wrong with the motor settings because the motor is very jerky which is was not on 5.02. So lets downgrade I thought. But I cannot get it to 5.02!!

I go into the Developer menu and select 5.02. After a while the VESC Tool says: "Could not deserialize motor configuration. this probably means that something is wrong with your firmware, or this vesc tool version." But the Supported Firmwares Loaded says 5.2 and under hardware version I only have 75_300_R3. If I click the update firmware button I get the warning all settings will be cleared and I select Yes. The progress bar starts and after a while ends in Upload done and then after a couple of seconds I get the The firmware upload is done notice. I reconnect with autoconnect and go to the firmware tab, still on 5.3!!

I tried to download the 5.02 firmware from github but that resulted in a bricked ESC but good I bought two so I could use the other one as a SWD bridge and replace the bootloader. Even tried to get 5.2 loaded using the SWD but still only get 5.3.

When I look into the debug console, nothing really looks strange:

2022-02-26 19:04:59: DEBUG (:0 ): Uploaded: 3229 Initial Size: 4288 Compression Ratio: 0.753032 Compressed chunks: 10 Incompressible chunks: 2 Skipped chunks: 0 ( 0 b )
2022-02-26 19:05:16: DEBUG (:0 ): Uploaded: 259376 Initial Size: 393208 Compression Ratio: 0.852874 Compressed chunks: 757 Incompressible chunks: 35 Skipped chunks: 232 ( 89088 b )
2022-02-26 19:05:16: Status: Serial port error: The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.
2022-02-26 19:05:29: DEBUG (:0 ): Reloading user interface due to configuration change.
2022-02-26 19:05:31: Status: Not connected
2022-02-26 19:05:38: Status: Connected (serial) to COM7
2022-02-26 19:05:38: Status: VESC Firmware Version 5.3, Hardware: 75_300_R3, UUID: 22 00 2B 00 03 50 33 53 30 36 30 20
2022-02-26 19:05:38: Status: MC configuration updated
2022-02-26 19:05:38: Status: App configuration updated

The only error present is about the serial port but I guess that is expected due to restart of the new uploaded firmware, right?

But how come I always get 5.3? What can be wrong? How can I downgrade? Any other ways to do it?

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The manufacturer should be able to provide you the Firmware. You can then load it via the Custom FW tab.

You can also request the source code. They have to provide it to you. Just send them a mail an request both, source code and .bin.

Last seen: 5 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2022-02-19 22:25
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According to Maker X it does not use a custom firmware: "support VESC TOOL official 75300 firmware" So then it should be no problem running both 5.2 and 5.3, right?

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Yes, it should be no issue tn that case. You can pull the FW from here:

Please note that the 75/300 FW exists in Rev1, 2 and 3!

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But that is 5.3 firmware. How do I get 5.2?

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In git hub you can go back in history. There is a history top right. So go to the file and then to the history.