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Stormcore 60D+ loses drive on one side

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Last seen: 2 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2021-10-16 08:03
Posts: 2
Stormcore 60D+ loses drive on one side

Hi guys,

I have a new Stormcore 60D+ driving 2x hub motors on an off-road e-skate board in FOC mode. I'm using a 10S9P battery.

Key parameters:

Motor current 30A, Braking current -20A, Regen current -20A, Absolute max 200A, FOC settings determined using the test in VESCTool. And yes, both sides have the same settings :)

When riding it loses drive on the left side (which happens to be the CAN side, not the one with the USB port). It won't go more than about 500m without losing drive on the left, sometimes it loses drive after 10 metres. Resetting the Stormcore brings that side back. No fault codes appear on the Stormcore app and the unit barely gets above 40 degrees C.

I've confirmed it's not a motor issue by swapping the motors - it's always the same side of the Stormcore. I've contacted the manufacturer and he suggested I make a forum post...

Can anyone think what the issue could be?

Last seen: 2 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2021-10-16 08:03
Posts: 2

Adding to this, at one point the same side lost its memory and decided to run in the opposite direction until I reconfigured it in VescTool.