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Powering a Beckhoff AM3100 Synchronus Servomotor with FOC

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Michael Hamm
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2022-01-02 12:13
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Powering a Beckhoff AM3100 Synchronus Servomotor with FOC

Hello together,

I'm quite new to the Vesc-Controller and software. I'm planing to use a vesc 4.10 controller to power a selfmade experimental PMSM motor. For testing i tried to power a Beckoff Am3100 Synchronus Servomotor with the Vesc. I'm using a lab power supply and the motor has no encoders. First of all i wasn't able to find any information how to set the power supply, i know the Vesc need 12V but at which current? The next question is, how do i say the Vesc tool that i'm using a power supply and don't need settings like battery cutoff voltage? I tried to use the FOC mode, measuring the resistance and induction worked but when i wanted to measure the flux linkage the motor didn't spun up and the measurement failed. 

Can anyone help on this? 


With kind regards 


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If you use a power supply, you can set the voltage limits manually in the motor config, or you set a battery, similar to your voltage output. If the motor doesn't spin during detection, the values can't be measured. Go to MOTOR FOC and try a manual detection with different RPM and Duty cycle. During detection the Controler will generate a roting magnetic field and the rotor will ideally start to rotate. If the field is too fast or not strong enough, or too slow, your rotor won't move. in Motor FOC you can tweak the current I, the Duty Cycle and the ERPMs.