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Setting up Flipsky 4.2 Dual and VX2 remote FW issues - Please help

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Setting up Flipsky 4.2 Dual and VX2 remote FW issues - Please help



I have just purchase a Flipsky 4.2 dual and VX 2 remote and setting them up with 2 Hub motors. Things were going perfectly at first and learning my way around the VESC tool but ran into some issues with the FW. I had gone through the instructions and set up the motors using FOC wizard which came back with reasonable results. I went to try and configure the VX2 remote and at first the wizard came up and found the remote. When trying the setup the motors wre very jerky at low speeds and went way too fast. so went to try and see if i can edit the settings for the remote and i also tried setting up the motors as BLDC motors as well. at some point throughout this after i set them up as BLDC motors i lost the VX2 remote. so i went back to the wizard and this is where this issues started. 


It came up with one of our VESCs have old firmware message and should be update. i was confused cause the first thing i did was update the firmware and things were going well. Anyways i did as i was told and uploaded the bootloader and firmware again and set up the motors with the FOC wizard like the first time. as i knew this worked with the remote and the motors weren't running too bad. The motors were setup okay apart from the fact it now comes up with can;t read motor configuration sometimes. But if i go back to the remote input wizard it keeps asking me to update the firmware. I have tried this multiple times and am very unsure of where to go from here. The screen i get telling me to update can be seen below: 

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance

Tony Hoffman
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2021-09-14 06:33
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I'm having an issue with the same setup.  Did anybody provide any background or help?  Iw as able to get the firmware updated on both motors, but the remote will not drive the motors.  It just buzzes.


Tony Hoffman

Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
Joined: 2021-03-16 12:36
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Hi, I'm having the same issue and can't find anything on flypsky support page except about the different wiring of vx2 blue tooth module depending of your use on fesc6 and 4... would anyone have more useful tips to help, most welcome:)

Last seen: 2 months 8 hours ago
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in APP SETTINGS > GENERAL , be sure to select : App to use : UART

by default, there is uart+ppm . don't work with vx2 .

Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
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Hey, thanks!! I change to UART and all works!!

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Was running version 3.01 of Vesc_tool but reverted to 2.05 and got motors running, but remote is a VX2 its not even an option in setup, I have tried UART but think I have have tried to pair too many times on remote now settings are too way out.



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