I tried FOC - Advanced option - High Current Sampling Mode - True and for the same speed and motor setup I get different I Batt and I Motor.
High Current Sampling Mode - False
ERPM : 46768.0
I Motor: 2.33 A
High Current Sampling Mode - True
ERPM: 46699.0
I Motor: 1.85 A
Can you replicate this on VESC6 or is it only issue with my custom board?
Thanks in Advance
So the deviation (as fraction of range) is only (2.33-1.85)/180, that is less 0.3% -- next to nothing!
Idle currents are anyway less important. Current under load can be more difficult to test in a reliable way. E.g.: use foc_openloop combined with realtime-log and preferably also external amperemeter connected to oscilloscope.
I got two motors connected with shaft. One shorted same test at 1500erpm.
High Current Sampling Mode - False
ERPM : 1496.0
I Motor: 15.09 A
High Current Sampling Mode - True
ERPM: 1501.0
I Motor: 14.76 A
So you are right.