I amusing VESC 6 MKV and I tried updating the firmware and it gets updated successfully.I generally wait about a min to reset the device and try auto connecting. When I configure the motor after upgrading it pops up an message that the tool has an older version and needs to be upgarded.It does allow me to configure the motor, but when i am trying to configure an input device it does not allow me to proceed and I am stuck, I tried upgrading my VESC multiple times but still having the same issue.
I am using VESC tool v3.0 and the FW version on the VESC is v5.1.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
in fw tab, what you see as hw & fw verion of connected vesc?
FW-5.1 and HW:60_MK5. I have another VESC which i was able to update to 5.2 but this one even after update keeps showing as 5.1. After I reconnect the device in the firmware tab -> supported firmwares loaded it shows 5.2. But when i do auto-connect, it goes back to 5.1
Did you try updating via on board SWD algo?
Haven't tried that yet. Let me try and get back. Thanks for the suggestion!
Hey Skyline,
I followed upgrading the VESC using an another vesc using this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFFiVxFHDM4&ab_channel=BenjaminVedder. but after i tried connecting to the other vesc it says target not found. I followed all the steps mentioned in the video. Is there an another way to reprogram the vesc?
I also tried this link https://electric-skateboard.builders/t/vesc-boot-loader-installation-tut... where the author mentioned using bootloader firmware, but that link did not work for me and also i am not sure of the connections to my VESC 6MKV.
Can you please help me with any information.
Hey there,
Yesterday I tried to update both of my VESCs with the same result like @dsuresh described in his original post.
One of the VESCs is older (HW:60_MKIII) and could be successfully updated from 5.1 to 5.2 using VESC tool v3.0.
For the other VESC (VESC 6 MKV, FW 5.1) the upload is successfull (via BT or USB) but the new firmware would never become active.
I'm thankful for any information/recommendation.
Hi Macc,
try loading the bootloader again. If you go into firmware section, on the top you would see bootloader, select that update it first. once that is done, you would be able to upgrade it to the latest firmware version.
Good luck!
Thanks Dave! Updating the bootloader did the trick! The MK5 is now also running FW 5.2
All the best!