I just upgraded to new fw from 2.18. My HW version is 4.12.
There is my build: https://endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=86275
With old HW I don't experienced any problems running FOC. But with new fw it cogs slighly(more like vibrates), most noticeable it is when I am accelerating uphill from standstill. And a had few cutouts after going uphill a then downhill. Motor detection was made without belt. I think there is possibility that it is caused by noised signal from motor temp sensor.

So I can try to connect capacitor for filtering, or use shielded cable. Is there the way to turn off motor temperature limit?
Or maybe Benjamin should implement some sw filter.
EDIT: I can see picture in edit but not in post.
Added link.
There already is filtering in hw and sw, so the noise should not be that bad. One thing you can try is disconnecting the temp sense cable and see if it helps.
also: I think images should work now
So I disconnected temp sense cable and it didn't help. I tried to run different erpms from VESC tool to see how it behaves.
It's worse in sensored than sensorless. Here are screenshots:
And sensored:
I decreased speed tracker Ki from 40000 to 20000 as was in old fw and it's much better now. Will report later after test ride, as I have to work now.
How did you implement the hardware to measure motor temp?!
In my view, on the 4.12 board, we need to remove the 10K resistor R7 and put it in parallel with (solder it above) C4.
Then we can add the 10k thermistor of the motor (I will glue one on a stator winding) and connect it between Vcc and Temp In.
The one I have has a slightly different beta, so I will enter the value in the box of the new VESC Tool (FW3.28), and normally all is done.
Am I right ?!
Have a Nice Day.
I have sensored motor, so there is already NTC thermistor inside. Of course you can add it yourself, you just have to connect it between +5V and TEMP on the connector for motor sensors. No need for modifications.
On topic: Decreasing speed tracker Ki helped, acceleration from standstill is now super smooth, even uphill.
I've decreased speed tracker too, and yes it's better now.
Will have a try soon.
Have a Nice Day.
Thermistor inside the motor is actually between TEMP and GND, sorry. Mosfet thermistor is between VCC and GND.
Right, it's clear now.
Have a Nice Day.
Hi ma-j-sterelektron,
How do you have such a clean graph with large temperature scale?
Mine are always resizing to such a small range that I can't read anything.
Is there a way to choose or to block scales, also for current and rpm?!
Have a Nice Day.
I know this is very old thread. I have FSESC4.20 and I have the same issue, but I have no temperature sensor. 500W sensored motor that works silky smooth with sensorless mode, but has that cyclic burring sound at low RPM/high load. Also regen braking has same cyclic sound. I reduced the Ki Tracker from 30000 (mine was 30000 default) to 18000 or 20000 and it is ALMOST as good as sensorless, but it is still not great.
Do I just keep running sensorless, or is there another setting (or multiple settings) that I can play with to get the benefits of sensored but without the cyclic burring noise or other noise that happens at low RPM and high load.
Thank you very much for any help!