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VESC 75/300 as generator inverter troubleshooting

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Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Joined: 2020-06-09 14:49
Posts: 2
VESC 75/300 as generator inverter troubleshooting

Hello everyone !

I’m currently working on retrieving the energy from a low speed high KV generator. I’ve bought a Vesc 75/300 for that but I’m having troubles getting it going. Here are the specs:

  • KV = 0,36 RPM/V
  • 10 poles pairs
  • Working Speed: 10-20 RPM
  • Construction: axial flux ironless stator sensorless
  • Currently hooked up to a 48V 100Ah lead acid battery pack through a 15A fuse

Here’s what I’ve done at first:

  •  Setup all the required tension/current settings and max erpm to 200 in sensorless FOC and openloop limit at 20 ERPM
  • Done a FOC setting sensing, R and L without issues, Lambda on second try with those settings: I = 3A ; D = 0,3 ; omega = 40 ERPM/s and getting : lambda = 100mWb and observer gain = 0,1.
  • With those values the generator wasn’t turning when imputing a 3 A value in VESC tool, just oscillating between two poles.
  • I’ve redone several times the FOC detection for checking if values where consistent and I noticed that lambda and the observer gain never changed from there originals values like it was maxed out.
  • According to Benjamin’s equations for approximating those values from KV (seen in another post) I’m getting : lambda = 60/(SQRT(3)*20*PI()*0,3456)= 1595 mWb and observer gain = 1000/(1595²)=0,00039
  • From that i upped the values to respectively 1000mWb and 0,01 for the observer gain wich is the lowest we can set in vesc tool.
  • Now the generator seemed to turn at least a few steps before cogging between to pole
  • I then set the sample in V0 and V7 to true and get the generator start turning rather smoothly at 10 RPM
  • At that point I hooked up a small motor to turn the generator shaft and start to test regen braking. With 0,1 then 0,2 and 0,3 I got to slow down the motor a bit proportionally to the regen amp (dutty were between 70 and 80%) but it would cog and not slow it down smoothly, the amp to battery was jumping between 0 and the value of the regen value.
  • After a vesc restart I was not able to get it to turn in motoring mode with the same settings.
  • At that point I tried through the wizard an autodetect of a small outrunner (200G outrunner selected in the wizard) to check if the vesc was working right, it tried a few time before actually achieving to turn it during detection. When it finished the sensing, I got a test result showing: “test successful, test amp: 400A” and at the same time the motor start smoking so I unplugged the vesc.

What could have gone wrong with this setup wizard?

Since then I have re-plug it to the generator and redone a foc sensing, R and L measurement worked okay but the flux linkage measurement only does a small ticking noise and is unable to get result (same parameters as before). When plugging the same parameters as before and trying to spin it with 3A a small ticking noise appears but no more oscillating between two poles. In realtime data tab FAULT CODE stay at 0.

Does someone have a thought of what could have went wrong? Could have the vesc been damaged? (I'll post my parameters screens below)


Thanks in advance for everyone willing to help !

Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 2017-09-22 01:27
Posts: 575


Do you have a picture of this generator? It's quite hard to get my head round those values.

It only goes at 20rpm? 

I would turn up the erpm limit, it's not going to help much.

For FOC detection, did you try just using the "Setup Motors FOC" button on the Welcome and wizards page? 

I would try to get it to detect it first before changing lots of values. If its cogging when trying to detect it you need to increase the current and turn the starting erpm down.





Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Joined: 2020-06-09 14:49
Posts: 2


The generator is looking something like this (approximately 50cm wide) :


The RPM should not go above 20 RPM, otherwise the BEMF would be > 48V. That's why I put the 200 ERPM limit, but I will try with a higher value.

I've tried all the wizard and autodetect features, but as I explained in my first post the flux linkage and observer values seemed like they are maxed out. With FOC wizard i got it turning the first time with the value mentioned above, but since then it doesn't seems to want to do so. Also since the burning off my small test motor i'm not getting right value with the foc autodetect, R L are now reading too low (70mOhm instead off 1500 for example) but when performing the R sensing in terminal it throw the correct value. 

Thanks for your help !